WTF NOW! invests in the start-up of Glocal Development Products.
Become a sponsor/partner
As indiviual or as organisation you can also become sponsor or partner. We can show your name and your organisation on the webiste and on the locations or you can stay anonymous. The only rule is that WTF NOW! always stays an autonomous network but is more then happy to receive suggetions for improvements from any sponsors and partners.
What else can you do to help
- Share the platform with friends, family and people who might be interested.
- Follow us by filling in your email (at the bottom of the website)
- Download Do-Native Funpass to share at social places in your local area (for example at libraries, restaurants, busstops, coffeebars, sportcentres, etc)
- Become active to grow your GDP’s
- Facilitate a place where you exchange resources to revive your local area’s resilience
- Organize an event where you discuss the reviving process in your area and get people interested in solidarity economy principles by sharing information and asking visitors to exchange their skills, resources and knowledge
- Share your details/local actions so that it becomes visible on the site and on our social media
- Be part of other glocal networks that helps to grow resilience