Семинар по природно – стреоене / Natural Building Workshop

Ние ви каним да се учите,играете и да се свържете със свещения елемент на земята под вашите крака.Заедно с група от интернационални приятели строим кирпичена печка, за да можем да споделяме вкусна храна и на други събития,които ще организираме.

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WeTheFuture in the media (Video)

Youth from the Netherlands find life in harmony with nature in a village near Vidin. They describe their experiences on the internet platform “We Are The Future,” which translated in Bulgarian is “We Are The Future”. They want to change reality in the desolate villages and say that the richness in nature and culture must be preserved and developed.

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Social Ecology Pampflet

Social ecology claims that society is an extension of nature–it is not pitted against nature in any deterministic way. The common trope that says selfishness is “just human nature” while interde-pendence and cooperation go “against human nature” is, in fact, irrational.

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